Sunday, 7 April 2013

See Me as Me!

Ishara has been working with Glasgow Rape Crisis Centre and Shakti Women's Aid to provide information about child sexual abuse.The See Me as Me! information session was held in February 2013 on this sensitive topic to create awareness for deaf ME people. Information was given on what children are told and how we can take better measures to protect children. The session was well attended and everyone involved felt more information is needed. Thanks to Pav Sandhu at Glasgow Rape Crisis Centre and Mridul Wadha at Shakti Women's Aid for all their support!

Deaf Connections already has an existing successful partnership with Rape Crisis Scotland who have translated much needed information about sexual violence into BSL for the deaf community. The information is also translated into other community languages. This can be found at Rape Crisis Scotland

Ishara Training Opportunities

Ishara currently provides flexible training opportunities for communities and agencies to learn more about deaf ME people. For agencies we have our training about the deaf ME communities and how your service or community group can better support them in Scotland. We also have a specific Asian Cultures training in partnership with the Asian Deaf Club to help understand more bout the South Asian Cultures. This training is mainly aimed at deaf clubs and community groups around Scotland but can be available on request to other agencies. For more information, see our marketing flyers below.

All our training options will now have flexible opportunities, tailored to you agency or group's needs. We can deliver sessions directly to agencies and groups from a 1 hour slot or a half day session. We can simply fit into a staff meeting or conference workshop. Additionally Ishara will be offering the online training option to access our learning from wherever you are in Scotland.

If your agency or community group is interested in taking this opportunity, please contact as at .

GOALS - Changing the way people Think!

BEMIS and Ishara helping change the way people think! Ishara and the Asian Deaf Club have successful completed the GOALs training October 2012. The session was empowering by challenging our thoughts and self esteem and shaping our thinking to be more positive. The confidence of all participants at the end of the session was definitely increased! Thanks to Deirdre from GOALs and we look forward to the next opportunity from GOALs to become trainers ourselves! Keep posted here for more updates on what happens next!

BSL Awareness for ME Communities

 Ishara and our partners Black and Ethnic Minority Infrastructure for Scotland (BEMIS) and Asian Deaf Club, successful hosted a British Sign Language Awareness Session for minority ethnic(ME) communities in Glasgow in November last year. We had 18 people attend a session about BSL, its history, culture and heritage as a language within the deaf community. Also promoted BSL learning and employment opportunities available if learnt as language for ME communities. 

We look forward to hosting more sessions around Scotland with BEMIS with Edinburgh being next! If you are interested to learn more about BSL, please contact us at .