Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Framework for Action - Glasgow

The Ishara Projects Framework for Action hosted its first event on Tuesday 21st May 2013 with a range of services including Police Scotland, VAF, Victim Support Scotland, Glasgow Community Safety Services and Life Skills. The event was a successful followup to the pilot event in January 2012 with a range of services attending. Ishara and the group explored the current support, gaps and barriers and need to change with supporting the deaf ME community. All feedback was very useful and will be collated for the final report on the consultation. Thank you again for taking the time to attend!

Abuse in Minority Ethnic Communities - Roshni


Ishara and the Asian Deaf Club received training about abuse in the minority ethnic communities from our partner Roshni. Roshni supports minority ethnic victims and survivors of abuse within their communities. This covers a range of issues like childhood abuse, forced marriage and general abuse and culture. 

The Roshni training helped us to recognise the signs and how to deal with the cultural stigma as well as explore support for victims and survivors. The session provided a very useful insight on this issue and we look forward to developing our next webpage on this issue in BSL. Thanks to Anela Anwar, Head of Projects who came along to train us all and watch this space for more info!

Deaf Connections Services learn about Asian Cultures

The Ishara Project supported training for our Deaf Connections services Deaf Care and the Hear On Forum.
Key staff and service users enjoyed learning about the cultural diversity in the South Asian communities which helped their understanding about the deaf minority ethnic community they work with. Thanks again to Deaf Care and Hear On for supporting us!