The engagement should provide some initial research, consultation and awareness to these communities about deafness and hearing loss within their own communities. We aim to provide this through a combination of a mini research and multimedia initiative.
The information will be collated and a follow-up event with participants and communities will organised to share this learning, showcase the documented film and a drama to emphasize the visibility and needs of this community. Deaf Connections has an internal Multimedia Unit as well as communication support which can provide the support to this project. Communication will be essential so the British Sign Language Interpreters will play a key role.
The outcome will have been to increase the self esteem and confidence of deaf Asian people and increase awareness in south Asian communities in Glasgow. There will also be a resource developed that can be hosted online or produced as DVD and disseminated to key stakeholder so learning can be shared.
Contact Tasnim or Maryam for more information or if you would like to get involved.