Empowerment for Equality
A Framework for Action across Scotland
Deaf Connections Ishara project is seeking to increase understanding of deaf ME peoples needs and improve services available to them, their families, carers and communities.
How we plan to deliver change
We are doing this by launching a Framework For
Action which raises awareness of needs and considers these as broader
equalities and human rights issues. The
framework links this to Equalities and Human Rights law, empowerment
policy in Scotland and the current thinking on how to achieve better
effectiveness in Scotland's public services. Click the link below to
open up the PDF document.
- Ishara Framework for Action
- Ishara Framework for Action (plain English version)
- Ishara Framework for Action (BSL Version):
- Why we need Dialogue, Development and Improvement
- Defining and understanding Need
- The Reality of life for Deaf ME people
- A minority within a Minority
- Number of people affected
- Diversity in Scotland
- What does this mean for the size of the deaf ME community
- The big picture
- Involving people
- The Challenge for Services
- Why Act Now
- Together we are Stronger
- Compliance with Human Rights duties
- Multiple Discrimination - A flaw in the law?
- The key issues which need to be addressed
- Making Change a reality
- What we need you to do to help deliver change
- Contact us
Development through dialogue
We hope that through the circulation and discussion
of our document, public, private and voluntary services, communities and individuals will take
practical action. This will help deaf people from ME communities to
live a life where there needs are met, they can achieve their potential and make a positive contribution to society.
The Framework is part of our national conversation
both online here at our website - and at community engagement events
which took place throughout Scotland from April to November 2013 in Dumfries, Glagsow, Edinburgh,Glasgow and Inverness. Please contact Ishara@deafconnections.co.uk for more information.
You can get involved by asking questions or respond to the general content of the document by contacting - Ishara@deafconnections.co.uk
Take some action now!
We have identified a number of themes below which
we think help us to think about how we can improve the lives of deaf ME
people. What we need services and
communities to do is to read these and tell us what practical action
you think your organisation could take to address the issues affecting
deaf ME people. Please click on themes below for more detail and each theme has a link to survey monkey:
- Theme 1 - Achieving our potential
- Theme 2 - Communication
- Theme 3 - Discrimination and Prejudice
- Theme 4 - Health and Wellbeing
- Theme 5 - Participation and Empowerment
- Theme 6 - Poverty and Welfare Support
- Theme 7 - Understanding our Needs
BSL Filmed Translations of Themes
- Theme 1 - Achieving our potential
- Theme 2 - Communication
- Theme 3 - Discrimination and Prejudice
- Theme 4 - Health and Wellbeing
- Theme 5 - Participation and Empowerment
- Theme 6 - Poverty and Welfare Support
- Theme 7 - Understanding our Needs
We want you to tell us;
- What you are doing now?
- What you could do in the future?
- Anything which is stopping you doing what is necessary to help deaf ME people
We will use this information to help us to;
- Target our support to organisations who want to make a difference.
- Help us to share good practice across Scotland which helps deaf ME communities
- Identify an agenda for future action to address blockages stopping our partners take action to achieve progress.
We would like to thank Deaf Connections Multimedia Team, Plain English Campaign and Scottish Association for Sign Language Interpreters (SASLI) for their support in making this an accessible resource.

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