What is Forced Marriage
Forced marriage is when a person
is forced to marry someone chosen for them. The person can be forced by their
family, people they look up to, or their community.
This is not
acceptable within UK
Forced marriage is
a form of abuse because it takes away a person’s human right to make their
choice of life partner; There is also no religious or faith requirement that
says you have to marry a certain
person you don’t want to.
Someone can be
forced into a marriage in different ways:
being prevented from leaving the home or from going
to school/work/college
being taken out of the country against their will
to get married
being beaten or threatened with physical violence to
make you marry the chosen person.
being made to feel that you will shame your family
or community of you do not go through with the marriage.
being told you will not be accepted in the family
anymore if you refuse the marriage. This kind of behaviour is also known as emotional blackmail.
you are disabled so you must marry whoever is
chosen to marry you.
Through deception
- In a number of cases, young people have sometimes been tricked into travelling to a country where they are to be married, thinking they are just going on holiday.
What are the reasons for Forced Marriage?
Controlling unwanted behaviour and sexuality,
particularly that of women
Protecting perceived cultural or religious
ideals which can often be misguided
Attempting to strengthen family links
Family honour or long-standing family
Ensuring land remains within the family
Assisting claims for residence and citizenship
Providing a carer for a disabled family member
What is an Arranged Marriage?
An Arranged
marriage is when the family or parents are mainly responsible for matching
their daughters or sons with possible partners but the final choice to marry
belongs to the person. This more traditional method of finding possible
partners is common within many communities across the world and some young
people are happy to allow their parents the responsibility of looking for
spouses for them.
Forced marriage is not a practice that only affects
Asian people. It can happen to anyone in society, despite their faith or
It is important for Scotland to be consulted on Forced Marriage separately
as it is a devolved issue for the Scottish Government and will not be covered
by UK law if Forced Marriage takes place in Scotland.
At present, there is no law expressly prohibiting forced marriage in Scotland and it
is not a specific criminal offence. However, there is a range of current
criminal offences and civil remedies which may be relevant in relation to
forced marriage.Earlier this year the Scottish Government carried
out a consultation to see whether civil legislation should be introduced to
help victims of Forced Marriage in Scotland. The Scottish Government is
currently considering the responses to the consultation and will make an
announcement about legislation in due course.
Frequent Questions
Question - What do I do if I am going overseas and scared
of being forced into marriage?
(i) Before you go - in the first instance contact
one of the agencies above for advice and support. They will let you know your
They will need as much detailed information as
possible such as
- The full address of the place where you are going abroad.
- Your travel dates: the date you are leaving and the date you are expected to return
- Your flight details: Airline and Flight No.
- A copy of your British passport
- A mobile phone number
- The names of people you are traveling with
(ii) Keep Hidden with you
- Money
- A Mobile Phone or a Sim Card
- The contact details of the nearest British High Commission or your support worker in the UK.
(iii) After you Go
If you are forced
into a marriage once you are overseas, contact the nearest British High
Commission or your support worker. They will do their best to rescue you and
repatriate you to the UK.
If you don’t have money to return to
the UK, the Forced Marriage
Unit will give you a loan to buy a ticket to return to the UK.
Question - I am being forced into marriage and want to
leave home?
If you are woman
you can get refuge accommodation.
If you are a man,
you will need to contact the support agencies’ worker to discuss your options.
Question - What is the Law on Forced Marriage?
Currently, in Scotland there
is no specific law that you can use to prevent forced marriage. But, there are
other areas of civil law that can be used to protect you from being forced into
a marriage.
REMEMBER: If you have already been forced into a
marriage then it may be possible to dissolve the marriage. You will need specific legal advice for your
Amina Muslim Women's Resource Centre
Helpline 0808 801 0301
(Mon-Fri 9.30-5.00)
Forced Marriage Unit Helpline 0808 801 0301
(Mon-Fri 9.30-5.00)
Website address: http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/fco-in-action/nationals/forced-marriage-unit/
Telephone: 020 7008 0151
Email: fmu@fco.gov.uk
Email for outreach work: fmuoutreach@fco.gov.uk
Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid
Website address: http://www.hematgryffe.org.uk/
Telephone: 0141 353 0859
Email: hemat.gryffe@ntlbusiness.com
Scottish Women's Aid
Website address: http://www.scottishwomensaid.org.uk/
Telephone: 0131 226 6606
email info@scottishwomensaid.org.uk
Shakti Women's Aid
Website address: http://www.shaktiedinburgh.co.uk/
Telephone: 0131 475 2399
Email: info@shaktiedinburgh.co.uk
We would like to thank Shakti Women's Aid for supporting this resource.
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